It was a really busy 3 hours I had out in the garden last Saturday. I :
- pruned my chilli padi plants.
- thinned out my pak choy and gai choy/mustard green seedlings.
- built a shade for my transplanted green globe artichoke plants & trimmed them.
- sowed sweet corn and other vege seeds.
- sowed lucerne seeds for green manure.
- did watering.
- deadheaded my daisy bushes.
- deadheaded my King Alfred daffodils.
I told my boy that this spring I would not grow any tomatoes. We ate the frozen ones from last season really slowly. One reason is that the frozen tomatoes thawed really badly. They are so mushy that I could only use them for soupy dishes. I have spoken too soon. I found a few tomato seedlings growing in the big fig's pot and in the pixzee peach tree's pot. That was mid-winter and they were looking really purple and frozen. They must be from seeds from the compost bin. And they must be tomato silvery fir since I only grew that variety. My first instinct was to let them die in the cold since I had no intention to do tomatoes.
But then two of the seedlings caught my eye, I knew I had to keep them. They were the two strongest seedlings. They looked really healthy, though purplish out in the freezing cold. What a tragedy to let them die when they were trying to survive!!! So I prepared two pots and pulled them out and planted them. I placed a newly-bought plastic cloche on them and let them get some sun. With a little tender loving care, they are now no longer purple and looking even better. Okay, tomatoes for the next season...
New chives emerging from the soil. Oh I just loving seeing life spring forth from the dead ground!
Our only plum tree has the whole tree full of white blossoms this year. I sure hope to eat more than 10 plums this summer/autumn since we really did only had 10 or so each of last two years.
Very pretty white flowers lightly perfumed.
My Tung O plant (edible chrysanthemum) survived winter unscathed. I gave it a light prunning to open the plant up and remove the browner branches. I use this vege for steamboat/hot pot or Japanese Miso soup. It is nice by me but my hubby doesnt want too much of it.
This is the shade I have set up for my green globe artichoke plants. The weather forecast a really warm end to winter and I knew that my divided artichoke plants could not make it if I do not build them a shade. Imagine, a shade in winter! Sounds crazy! Well, they have been recently divided and replanted and kept wilting in the day, so I knew a whole week of warm sunshine would do them in. After building the shade, I also remove more whole leaves and halved some of the leaves, leaving only baby leaves behind. I also watered them with a few rounds of seasol during the week and checked them every few days. That should make sure they really survive. Now I am glad to have divided them in winter. Imagine doing so in spring or summer, they would have die for sure.
A really trimmed artichoke plant, staked.
Here's the patch where I have sown sweet corn. I used plastic fruit containers as cloche and weighed them down using decent sized white stones.
I deadheaded the King Alfred daffodils right out of my son's bedroom. Now all they need is some good fertiliser to help them make bigger prettier flower heads for next season.
My chilli fire surived winter with the plastic protection. Since it has now turned warmer, I removed the top plastic for it to get some sunshine. I did that for my chilli padi plants too.
I had to thin out the pak choy and gai choi seedlings heavily in this raised vege patch because greedy me oversowed by a great deal! The remaining seedlings here are just about 1/5 or less than what I have removed! The work almost killed me.
I sowed some yellow capsicum, kang kong (water spinach), egg plant, cucumber and lady's finger seeds.